HSAW Hazardous Substances Regulations
Hazardous Substance Handlers’ Course​
Next course date dependent on location that the attendees require the course
This course is designed to provide the knowledge requirements required to be a Hazardous Substance handler under the HSWA Act Hazardous Substance Regulations.
Topics include:
(1) Before being certified as a certified handler at a workplace, a person must know and be able to describe the following matters:
(a) the hazard classifications, properties, and adverse effects of those hazardous substances for which he or she is to be a certified handler:
(b) the requirements that are imposed by these regulations in relation to those hazardous substances:
(c) the requirements that are imposed under the HSNO Act in relation to those hazardous substances:
(d) any proposed conditions of the person’s compliance certificate as a certified handler:
(e) the precautions required to prevent injury or illness to any person at the workplace caused by any of those substances:
(f) the procedures to adopt in an emergency involving those substances:
(g) any variations of requirements, alternative means of compliance with requirements,
or additional requirements specified in a relevant safe work instrument.
(2) The person must also—
(a) know, and demonstrate a working knowledge of, the procedures and plant (including personal protective equipment) necessary
to manage those hazardous substances at the workplace for which the person is to be a certified handler
$495 + GST per person
$395pp for two or more persons
(includes Morning Tea/Lunch/Afternoon Tea)